The shonen series is one filled with hijinks and thrilling action since it follows a young boy named Gon Freecs who dreams of becoming a Hunter. If you are not familiar with Hunter x Hunter, then you can definitely get acquainted. Togashi has battled work-related injuries in the past, so the artist may be taking time off to tend to his strained body. There is no word on when Hunter x Hunter will return following its third hiatus. The second break ended earlier this June, so Hunter x Hunter made it about two months before taking another break. The manga stayed around for a couple of months before Togashi entered a new hiatus. Hunter x Hunter went on its first hiatus back in August 2014 and was kept shelves until April 2016. Hunter x Hunter is considered to be one of Shueisha’s longer titles, but fans have been particular upset with the manga’s frequent hiatuses. Long-running manga titles are known to take breaks to give its creator and artists time to breathe After all, too much drawing can be bad for anyone’s posture, eyes, and wrists.
If you are not familiar with the history of Hunter x Hunter’s hiatuses, then there is a lot to catch up on.
The next piece of Yoshihiro Togashi’s shonen title is expected to be released in Jump’s 40th issue of the year. It looks like the series is going on yet another hiatus.Īccording to Weekly Shonen Jump, the Hunter x Hunter manga will be returning to hiatus after its next chapter drops (via Moetron News). If you thought things were going too well for the manga, then you were right. It’s that time again, Hunter x Hunter fans.